We are Science and Religious Education specialist with with a combined 30 years of experience as middle managers both academic and pastoral. We have experience teaching Science, PSHE, PE, Humanities, Philosophy , Ethics, Psychology, Sociology. Lots of our resources are aimed at whole school whether they be AFL activities to Tutor Time resources.
We are Science and Religious Education specialist with with a combined 30 years of experience as middle managers both academic and pastoral. We have experience teaching Science, PSHE, PE, Humanities, Philosophy , Ethics, Psychology, Sociology. Lots of our resources are aimed at whole school whether they be AFL activities to Tutor Time resources.
Mobile Phones Assembly and Tutor Time
The Assembly PowerPoint is fully resourced with YouTube links and questions to discuss the topic in question.
This Mobile Phone Assembly resource contains a PPT (12 Slides) with an A4 information sheet and a handout for you to make notes on each slide should you so wish.
The assembly contains:
History of Mobile Technology
Points for reflection
YouTube Links
Reflective Quote
Optional Prayer
Tutor Time : Mobile Phones
This resource pack contains 1 tutor time PPT and worksheets.
The PowerPoint is fully resourced with YouTube links and activities to discuss the topic in question.
Tutor Time : Philosophical Questions pack contains 1 x Fully Resourced PPT (14 slides in total) Worksheet (1 A4 sheet) It introduces pupils to mobile phones, their uses and their + and -
Pupils will have the opportunity to take part in a court room activity ‘Mobiles on Trial’ to debate whether mobiles are a blessing or a curse,
If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE.
Please join our Facebook groups for teacher chat, networking and exclusive freebies.
#TeachPSHE & RSE
We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite”>TeachElite’s Shop</a> click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload.
You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE<br /><br />
and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
This European Languages Quiz quiz is perfect for end of year fun. It contains 7 rounds and is great fun for a language lesson. Perfect if you have a relief lesson, no planning needed!
We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite”>TeachElite’s Shop</a> click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. <br />
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Awards Assembly
This is a fully editable end of term / end of year assembly PowerPoint with MUSIC.
This contains a Christmas version and a version for all other times of the Year. This Awards Assembly is great for the last assembly before you finish for the festive season. It is designed to award academic excellence and to add a bit of fun to the end of the year.
The PowerPoint consists of over 40 slides with 16 award categories with award category slides left blank for you to add your own should you so wish. Following each award category slide is a ‘Winner is…’ slide where you can add a picture and insert the name of the pupil onto the admission ticket. A tutorial is included with this PowerPoint should you need it. Alternatively, if you do not wish to add your own pictures, the admission ticket can be pasted onto the ‘Award Category’ slide with the name of each pupil typed onto it.
This is a really fun end to the year-we really hope you and the pupils enjoy using it.
We hope that you enjoy this resource!
Road Safety Assembly.
This Assembly contains:
It includes discussion points, a reflective quote, Optional Christian prayer and YouTube links.
Please check the content to ascertain the suitability for your class prior to using this. :-)
We hope that you enjoy this resource! If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE.
We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite”>TeachElite’s Shop</a> click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload.
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Christmas: Christmas Awards Ceremony
This is a fully editable PowerPoint with MUSIC. It is great for the last assembly before the Christmas holidays. It is designed to award academic excellence and to add a bit of festive fun to proceedings too.
The PowerPoint consists of over 63 slides with 25 award categories with award category slides left blank for you to add your own should you so wish. Following each award category slide is a ‘Winner is…’ slide where you can add a picture and insert the name of the pupil onto the admission ticket. A tutorial is included with this PowerPoint should you need it. Alternatively, if you do not wish to add your own pictures, the admission ticket can be pasted onto the ‘Award Category’ slide with the name of each pupil typed onto it.
This is a really fun end to the year-we really hope you and the pupils enjoy using it.
Have a very merry Christmas!
If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE.
We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite’s Shop click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload.
You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE
and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Judaism MASSIVE UNIT Bundle!
Stir up a bit of enthusiasm about the Jewish faith with this is a 10 lesson collection of some of our fully resources ‘grab and go’ Judaism lessons. There is over 8 hours of content here!
Great selection of our Judaism resources. Check it out-great value!
This Success Assembly Tutor Time pack contains a PPT (12 Slides) and a handout for you to make notes on each slide should you so wish.
The assembly introduces pupils to the how we guage success and what their successes are . It includes a link to a YouTube clip educating them on this. This resource includes inspirational quote and an OPTIONAL Christian prayer.
If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE.<br />
<br />
We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite”>TeachElite’s Shop</a> click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. <br />
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You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE<br />
and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Internet / Internet Safety / E-safety/ Cyber Safety / Online Safety Bundle
This is a handy bundle on internet safety to inform pupils of the benefits and challenges of the internet, mobiles, social media and cyber bullying. This includes some resource to help inform pupils of internet safety.
A great bundle to use for safer internet day on Tuesday 6th February 2018.
Mobile Phone Assembly & Tutor Time Session
Social Medis Tutor Time Session
Cyber Bullying Tutor Time sessions
A selection of our resources on Festivals Including:
Religious Festivals (1-2 Hours)
Passover (1 Hour)
Christmas (3 Hours)
Easter (3 Hours)
Rama & Sita (1 Hour)
Diwali (1 Hour)
We hope that you enjoy this resource! If you review this resource we will give you another resource for FREE.
We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite”>TeachElite’s Shop</a> click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. <br />
Here is a selection of resources that will be of use to you during this Anit-Bullying Week.
If you review this resource we will give you another resource for FREE.
We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite’s Shop click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload.
You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE
and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Included in this pack is 1. RE Vocabulary Display &2. Religion Street Display
1. RE Vocabulary Display
5 sets of Key words that can be printed and laminated to display in the classroom or can be used as prompts for essay writing or class activities.
Topics Included:
Contemporary Society
2. RE : Religious Education Display
We have included two different sized booklets for printing to suit your display needs. It is up to you which one you choose. There are a variety of options when creating your religion street we have included a digital picture of how it looks set up as a street scene.
Some of the sign posts and billboards have been left blank for you to insert your ow information. Our plan is for pupils to use this as a learning wall whereby they will add bits of information to it as the year progresses. We will also be adding various bits of information to the billboards as the year progresses based on the topic of study.
6 Major religious Buildings
Sign Posts
Key Info
Mock Up Display
Options for Pupil Input
Fun and Interactive
If you review this resource we will give you another resource FREE.
We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite's Shop click the'Follow this Author button' . We will keep you updated
A massive bundle of 20 Christmas PowerPoints and Worksheets. This is everything you will need to keep your classes educated and entertained in the way of Christmas this season! Including recommended resources by the TES team!
Included is:
Christmas Bingo: A bingo activity for the Christmas season.
Christmas Countdown Timer: A Christmas themed countdown timer with 10 minutes on each slide.
Christmas Quiz: Three rounds. Consisting of Religious, popular culture (Secular) and Music. Please not that music hasn’t been added due to copyright, but you may add your own onto the slides provided.
Christmas Secular or Religious Conveyor Belt activity: This is based on the Generation Game activity. This is based on religious and secular items surrounding the Christmas season. Useful for Starter, Plenaries and mini AFL activities throughout the lesson-Pupils love this activity!
Christmas Symbols: Pictures to use for a diamond ranking activity on Symbols of Christmas and a task is based on the symbols of Christmas and their meanings. Pupils then peer assess each otters using two stars and a wish. also, A diamond ranking activity based on the symbols of Christmas-three worksheets for higher, middle and lower ability.
Christmas Hunt The Symbol-Join Park Ranger Paul as he hunts for the artefacts. Pupils have to write down every item they see. Then decide whether each item is a religious or non-religious (secular) tradition.
Christmas-Elf Daily Report Card: Keep a check on your pupils’ behaviour this Christmas with these Elfish Behaviour cards. Print out and handout as an exit pass at the end of the day. A fun way to instill work ethic and sound behaviour in the run up to Christmas.
Does Santa Exist? Class Survey-A whole class activity based on Santa. pupils have to ask 10 peers the question ‘Does Santa exist?’ and record their responses. Then create a pie chart on the results.
Elfish Behaviour Advent Chart:Keep a check on your class’ behaviour this Christmas with these individual Elfish Behaviour charts. Print out the three reward stamps and issue one to each child every day in accordance with their behaviour. A fun way to instill work ethic and sound behaviour in the run up to Christmas! Recommended Resource!
Naughty or Nice Gauge: A Fun activity for Christmas!!
A visual PowerPoint display that you can use with your classes for behaviour management. I have included an editable and an uneducable version purely due to the fonts I have used.
There are also naughty, improvement and nice certificates that can be printed out and given to the child to take home. These can be edited on the PowerPoint if yo wish to add a reason for certification, for example. A PDF version is available for ease of printout also.
Reverse Advent Challenge: A tutor time Advent activity based on donation and charity. Can be amended to incorporate the whole class or pupils can be spilt into six groups and each group can complete their own Reverse Advent Challenge.
Space Mission Christmas Edition: Join Space Explorer Steve as he hunts for the artefacts. Pupils have to write down every item they see. Then decide whether each item is a religious or non-religious (secular) tradition and a worksheet to accompany the Space Mission Christmas Edition PPT
Please leave a comment if you have the time, it would be much appreciated.
Also Check out our Nativity bundle! Available at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-nativity-11423425
Martin Luther King- Assembly & Tutor Time
This resource pack contains + 1x Assembly and 1 x tutor time PPT that can extend over two sessions .
All PowerPoints are fully resourced with YouTube links and activities to discuss the topic in question.
Martin Luther King Assembly pack contains a PPT (10 Slides) with an A4 information sheet and a handout for you to make notes on each slide should you so wish.
The assembly introduces pupils to the life and works of Martin Luther King.
It includes a link to a YouTube clips educating them on this. This resource includes inspirational quote and an OPTIONAL Christian Biblical quote and Christian prayer. It also has a link to the ‘I have a Dream’ speech.
Martin Luther King Tutor Time pack contains 1 x Fully Resourced PPT (21 slides in total) Worksheet (1 A4 sheet)
The Topics to be discussed are:
A YouTube link on the life of MLK
Our INTERACTIVE 5W activity
An Opinion Line activity based on the life of MLK
A reflective quote
A tribute to the life of MLK - YouTube link
The Growth Mindset resource booklet to accompany this pack contains a 5W placemat for pupils to work on.
If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE.
We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite’s Shop click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload.
You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE
and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Get your children involved and writing creative stories this Halloween with our Halloween spooky generator.
100 picture prompts
161,700 combinations
Fully Interactive
Great for creative writing!
We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite's Shop click the'Follow this Author button' . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload.
You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE
and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
An interactive Advent Calendar for pupils to use during form time. behind each door is a thought for the day. Makes for a good discussion.
We hope that you enjoy this resource, Merry Christmas!
If you like this resource, please give us a review and we will send you a free resource of your choice of the same value.
We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite’s Shop click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload.
You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE
and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
A whole class activity based on Santa. pupils have to ask 10 peers the question 'Does Santa exist?' and record their responses. Then create a pie chart on the results.
We hope that you enjoy this resource, Merry Christmas!
If you loved this resource checkout our Christmas Resources
We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite's Shop click the'Follow this Author button' . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload.
You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE
and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
RE : Religious Education Display
We have included two different sized booklets for printing to suit your display needs. It is up to you which one you choose. There are a variety of options when creating your religion street we have included a digital picture of how it looks set up as a street scene.
Some of the sign posts and billboards have been left blank for you to insert your ow information. Our plan is for pupils to use this as a learning wall whereby they will add bits of information to it as the year progresses. We will also be adding various bits of information to the billboards as the year progresses based on the topic of study.
6 Major religious Buildings
Sign Posts
Key Info
Mock Up Display
Options for Pupil Input
Fun and Interactive
We would love a review (if you have time) :-)
We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite”>TeachElite’s Shop</a> click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. <br />
<br />
You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE<br />
and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
This is a FREE resource to highlight Mental Health.
It includes a link to a YouTube clip educating them on this. This resource includes inspirational quote and an OPTIONAL Christian prayer.
We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite”>TeachElite’s Shop</a> click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. <br />
<br />
You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE<br />
and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/